This review is for Sust 270mg/ml 10ml vial Dragon Pharma
Customer Support
Communication has always been very good responds to pm within 24 hours if not the very next day. Support has always answered my questions in a professional manner and been very knowledgeable in what they do
Shipping Speed
Package came tightly wrapped discrete, free of any damages and fast T/A under 10 buisness day
Shipping Speed
4x Sust 270mg/ml 10ml vial Dragon Pharma. I was running 270mg every 4 days for 12 weeks. Gained 18 lbs. Lost about 4lbs after strength was very good, was able to add 50lbs to bench. I was very surprised there was no PiP very smooth. Sides acne bad at times but subsided. Libido was out of control. I had a little gyro nothing to serious, had a little water retention. All in all a solid product. Looking forward to running it again.
DP fast has pleasantly surprised me and has made a new customer for life. Thanks
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Some very potent anabolic steroids are available to purchase at Dragon Pharma. We strongly recommend caution when using these drugs and trying not use them without doctors supervision.
Our products are not designated to diagnose, care for or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Use in conjunction with a well-balanced diet and concentrated bodybuilding work out program. Consult with your doctor before use. Must be eighteen years old.
This review is for Sust 270mg/ml 10ml vial Dragon Pharma