Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle 100 mg/ml 10 ml by Dragon Pharma, Europe
Steroid Cycles

Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle

Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle
- Trenbolone 100 mg x 6 Vials
- Primobolan 200 mg x 7 Vials
- Anavar 50 mg x 100 Pills
- Winstrol 50 mg x 200 Pills
- Arimidex 1 mg x 100 Pills
- HCG 5000 IU x 1 Vial
- Nolvadex 20 mg x 100 Pills
- Clomid 50 mg x 100 Pills
Made by Dragon Pharma

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Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle Detailed

Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle - this cutting cycle is designed for the ultimate leanness, usually done pre-competition for bodybuilders. It uses the straight lining theory of cycling.

Week Trenbolone 100
Primobolan Anavar Winstrol Arimidex HCG Nolvadex Clomid
1 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
2 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
3 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
4 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
5 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
6 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
7 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
8 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
9 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
10 75 mg/day 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
11 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
12 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
13 1000 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
14 750 mg/week 50 mg/ED 100 mg/ED 1 mg/ED
16 0.5 mg/ED 500 IU/ED 40 mg/ED 100 mg/ED
17 0.5 mg/ED 40 mg/ED 100 mg/ED
18 0.25 mg/ED 20 mg/ED 20 mg/ED
19 0.25 mg/ED 20 mg/ED 50 mg/ED
20 20 mg/ED 50 mg/ED
21 20 mg/ED 50 mg/ED

ED = Every day
EOD = Every other day
Week = Every week

Advanced Steroid Cycles are not for everyone. If you haven't done at least 5 beginner cycles and 5 intermediate steroid cycles, don't bother reading this section. If you start of with advanced stacks as a beginner, you will 100% hurt yourself and cause permanent damage to your body. You will not get the results you want if you are not ready for the steroids to be in your body, that's fact.

Advanced cycles usually have 4-5 steroids and possible 1-2 growth agents like Human Growth Hormone (HGH), IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor) or insulin. Most of the steroids are harsh so be ready for amazing results and a good amount of side effects. There are little time limits to the cycles, as most bodybuilders run advanced cycles into the 20 week range.

Advanced cycling is done based on 2 theories, loading and straight lining.

  1. Loading theory: The cycle is heavily loaded (high dose) during the first 2 weeks, as a way to get the anabolic steroids into your system. This has the downside of receptor damage but has proven to yield good results.
  2. Straight lining theory: The cycle is ran at the same dose the whole cycle, no loading and no pyramiding, this allows for the body to grow steady.
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Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
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before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.

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